Why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim
Why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim

why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim
  1. #Why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim full
  2. #Why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim mods

They successfully created a world full of atmosphere and lore along with the freedom of exploration and managed to do it excellently even compared to most of the games released now (and the thing is I also played Skyrim late in 2019, yet it is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite game of all time). Books can never come anywhere close to that because of obvious restrictions of the medium and that was the reason, many (including me) were instantly captivated by the world of Skyrim. video game can easily transport you into a world which you can see/hear/play-in instead of only imagining it in your mind. That story and lore in the video game are exactly the reason I play video games i.e.

why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim

> People will say, ah yes but the story, the lore! But if I wanted that I'd read a book. You're comparing 2 games which were a generation of console apart and a lot of things happen between those 7-8 years.

#Why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim mods

It's best played under OpenMW, and maybe a few mods to fix some of the rough edges. Morrowind is the last game that gives the clear feeling of that it's happening in its own universe with its own weird culture.Īnd the main plot, which starts quite standard but by the end you're not sure if you're being fooled or not. Sadrith Mora, where wizards grow giant mushrooms to live in. Vivec, made of huge, identical buildings: (ciudad)_(Morr. Morrowind has places like:īalmora, which looks more or less normal, but is already definitely something else, what with the giant insects used for transport. Skyrim is mostly a medieval world all over. It has quite serious faults, mind you, and the AI isn't going to impress very much.īut that's the game for interesting lore and world style. I think the last interesting game in the genre is Morrowind. The fox is way more likely to be in places with dense nav.mesh because that’s where the majority of nav.mesh triangles are. However, because nav.mesh triangles have very uneven area, the fox distribution over space is very uneven too. probability to be in any particular nav.mesh triangle is about the same. After long enough time, random walk algorithm causes the fox to be randomly distributed over nav.mesh triangles, i.e. It does something similar to random walk over nav.mesh triangles. The fox AI doesn’t quite maximize anything. In a big flat nothing, NPCs can walk any direction they want without colliding into things, having a dense nav.mesh at that place would be a waste of resources. Once the nav.mesh is in RAM, the game runs raycasts or A* search or whatever, the cost is CPU time. The game probably streams the nav.mesh along with map tiles the cost is disk I/O and RAM.

why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim

The design intention was saving resources. > The original design intention is that the number of triangles encodes the sense of distance, but maximizing the #triangles actually leads to interesting places. I haven't played that game as much as the others, and don't have enough in-game experience to comment. I'd also like to hear the GP commentor's reply re: emergent gameplay in Morrowind. The most interesting emergent events I remember from Skyrim (or Oblivion) were funny glitches like this one: Dialogue, the core interaction between the player and most NPCs, is still 100% scripted conversation trees. Dynamic behaviors like the one you mentioned are still all essentially scripted interactions. In what regard is Skyrim's gameplay emergent, aside from the OP link's fox example?Īs I understand it, Radiant AI is a framework for fixed and relatively simple finite state machines, with states like "use the anvil at the blacksmith's shop during working hours" or "drink in the tavern at 9 PM." Don't get me wrong, it's leaps and bounds beyond the NPC AI found in earlier games, but it's far from the emergent craziness you'll see in a sandbox game like Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress.

Why is my npc walking like a girl creation kit skyrim